
Simon Oberlohr

Healthy food for serious child labor
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Have you had servants at the farm, too? Servants from time to time, temporary employees, but servants, we have never had. It is then the young children have come and worked, worked hard. We must work. But it was often very funny and very interesting. What has it been with you for at home for dinner? That was in the morning a thick soup and soup, for lunch there were balls, rubbish. What else? They have just cooked Sun And in the evening it has been in the potato shell and burning soup. That was so mainly the food. But it was not bad. It was - we got milk. Then we got skimmed milk. - Often we have suffered a little hungry. I know the school we have so worn snack. And at home we have searched the bags, whether or not there was bread. The neighbor had bread, which was something beautiful inside. We have had only a loaf of bread and nothing to it. So that was something different. But we are not starving and it was a healthy diet.